Academy - Vascular Reporter

Vascular Reporter Software Guide

Initial Setup

In this section we will adjust two settings. One is to change to Imperial measurement (lbs and inches) if you do not want metric measurements.

The second is to create a "profile" essentially a template of the test you want to perform. You can setup multiple profiles.

Doppler Icons

The following icons will be referred to through the training below.

  1. Save Icon

2. Double Arrow

3. Check Mark

Initial Setup - Metric to Imperial

If you want to make these changes, you only need to do this once.

This video will show you the steps to move from "metric" to "imperial" (lbs and inches).

Change from Metric to Imperial

Build an ABI/TBI Profile

This is also something you will only need to do once (unless you want to add more "profiles" or templates in the future.

Build ABI/TBI Profile

Performing and Recording

the Test

This portion of the training will focus on how to do a test. This includes starting a new patient, capturing waveforms and recording systolic pressures.

Very few boxes need to be completed; surname, ID, and birthday. However, you may complete as many of the others as you like.

Starting a New Patient

Patient Information

Testing a Patient – Manual Entry of systolic Pressure and Capturing the Waveform

You will need to manually enter the systolic pressure. You will also capture the waveform and import it into the VasRep software.


For brachial arteries the place to enter the systolic pressure automatically shows.


For any other artery – you need to right click the mouse to see a pop-up window where you add your systolic pressures.


To accept waveforms press the check mark (Icon 3) on the Doppler and waveform will automatically move into the blinking box.


You can press the space bar as well, and use the double arrow button (Icon 2) to move the waveform into the blinking box. It is easier to use the (Icon 3) as stated previously.


Then press the save button (Icon 1).


The software automatically moves to the next box in the profile.


You will see this screen on your Doppler after a waveform is saved - please see image to left.


Press the side arrow button to start a new waveform.


To remove the color spectrum, change the Sonogram Display dropdown located at the top left hand corner of the screen next to the settings icon from “Sonogram” to “Max”.

Taking Manual Waveforms

If you are performing a TBI you will use the PPG sensor. The systolic pressure is taken from the device.

Testing a Patient - Systolic Pressure by PPG Sensor (Great Toe)

Toe Pressure Testing

Printing and

Understanding the Report

In this section we will adjust two settings. One is to change to Imperial measurement (lbs and inches) if you do not want metric measurements.

The second is to create a "profile" essentially a template of the test you want to perform. You can setup multiple profiles.

Printing a Report

The report can be printed as a PDF or in paper format

Printing a Report

Vascular Reporter

Free 30 Day Trial

Dopplex® Vascular Reporter Software is a unique vascular reporting software package for use in conjunction with the Dopplex DMX, ATP and ABI kits.


It allows real time visualization of waveforms on a PC and stored for reviewing, archiving and printing. Traces can also be transferred from the DMX memory card.

Download FREE Trial
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