Service Support

Please complete our Service Inquiry form below and you will be contacted within 24-48 hours. If you have not purchased directly from us, we do require a new customer account to be opened in order to document and track your device and repair service.

Find us at

Arjo, Inc.

2349 W. Lake St. Suite 250

Addison, IL 60101


T: +1 (800)323-1245

F: +1 (888) 594-2756


Mon – Friday 9:00am – 5:30pm

Sat – Sun Closed

This can usually be found by the product label at the back
Please provide a brief description of the issue

“Thank you very much for your continued support.
We will definitely be
recommending you”.

“We would feel confident in recommending the
company to another trust.”

“We took a risk when
changing suppliers, but it was a justifiable risk and
one which has forged a

“Knowing support is on hand as and when needed give piece of mind.”

Not sure where to look?

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